Plein Air Painters of Eureka Springs

Here at Kings River Fine Arts things are starting to settle back to normal. Paul had a great time participating in the Plein Air Paint Out sponsored by the the Eureka Springs School of the Arts and is looking forward to the 2017 Festival.

Since the Plein Air Fest Paul has been enjoying his return to the Eureka Springs Plein Air group's Wednesday morning Paint Outs. Last week they had the pleasure of gathering at Rebecca's Iris Garden out on the White River. It is always a pleasure for the group to be at Rebecca's as there are so many potential paintings in her garden just waiting to be archived on canvas.

Paul was also able to take time out to go to Fayetteville and sign the 10' x 17' mural he created for Vold Vision. It was installed and needed his signature.

We have returned to our Saturday mornings at the Fayetteville Arkansas Farmers' Market on the square in downtown Fayetteville. The market is open from 7 am to 2 pm each Saturday, if you are in the area stop by, say hello and experience our fabulous market and all it has to offer.